
2023-04-14 18:23 点击:77 编辑:admin






给签证官的信模版 Letter to Visa Officer of British Embassy

Dear Sir /Madam

My name is Zhao Weisheng.This is my second time to apply a student Visa to further my studies in the United Kingdom.Although I had been refused once, due to some misunderstandings I still hope that I can obtain a visa, because I believe that I have enough qualification, and have sufficient financial support to meet the requirements to stud in UK as a postgraduate student.

My father is a Director and General Manager of a tobacco enterprise in Jiangmen city Guangdong province,as we know tobacco business is one of the highly profitable businesses in the world.In China,the tobacco taxes occupies one sixth of Chinese government’s total revenue.Although, the Guangdong Tobacco Corporation limited of Jiangmen belongs to the government, my father, as the General Manager,still has very good salary.On the other hand,信行my mother is a vise director of the clinical department of The Jiangmen Central Hospital.This is the best Hospital of Jiangmen Area. Therefore, she also has a very stable income.Thus, I believe that my guarantors have enough financial abilities to support all my expenses when I study in UK.

After I graduated from South China Normal University, I spend more that half a year to improve my English level Very fortunately, I have a very good family:my parents have very good jobs and salaries. They encourage me all the time and support my daily expenses. Therefore,I can concentrate to improve my English on a full time basis, I locked myself in my bedroom to study and review English, meanwhile. I had attended an IELTS course on November 2003 in Guangzhou city.姿斗Through my effort,I had increased my IELTS score from 5.5 to 6.5 in half a year.Now I still insist studying English further more, I attend a spoken English course in Jiangmen City every week in brief, I want to say that I really want to study and I have enough learning abilities.

This time I am providing some new documents to support my qualification and my guarantors Capital. These papers include my parents’ certification of deposit, my new IELTS report,my English Test report of the University of Plymouth,the University English summer school course Offer of the University of Plymouth and the MSC degree Offer of the University of Plymouth etc.

I had tried my level best to prepare all the necessary documents for the interview, moreover, I have translated all the files myself I am witting to answer any further questions. It is my utmost hope that you will give me a kind consideration.

Thank you for your time.

Yours sincerely,



你的家人或冲悔拿朋友(邀请人)致领事馆的一封散搭信(支持签证) 内容:同意、支持你赴美 担保人经济前租实力体现 有支付你在美至回国期间的所需费用的能力 你会按时回国。(将原件复印一份).

PS for 曼大 管理与信息系统专业


在校期间,我的学习经历是轻松而愉快的,因为信息管理与信息系统专业是我的兴趣所在,而且我在这方面的天赋使我能够快速地掌握专业知识并应用于实践。在专业实习中,我先后设计完成了“学籍管理系统”、“小区停车动态管理系统”,还作为组长带领一个研究小组使用Visual C++成功开发了一个“会计记帐管理系统”。经过教研组的评定,这几个宽清系统都具有很强的实用性。最让我感到骄傲的是,我设计的“小区停车动态管理系统”经过完善与改良后,已经被北京市朝阳区的“安翔里”、“裕民里”等小区采用,实际应用效果良好。




